Tag Archives: muslim

Prosecutors: Fort Hood mass murderer was on jihad

Undated photo of terrorist, Maj. Nidal Hasan

Undated photo of terrorist, Maj. Nidal Hasan

Why is motive not an element in this trial? What kind of murder trial doesn’t discuss motive? Is it not an element in the trial because it shows how much the Obama administration has been lying to the American people about this jihad attack? “Prosecutors: Hasan was on jihad,” by Sig Christenson for MySa.com, August 2 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

FORT HOOD — Prosecutors Friday likened Maj. Nidal Hasanto a suicide bomber, saying he carefully researched the issue of going on jihad before an attack that left 13 people dead and 32 wounded, all but two of them soldiers.

It was the first time the government has made the allegation or cited evidence that would support the claim that Hasan sought to martyr himself at the end of the massacre.

“We believe that just like a suicide bomber, Major Hasan had no intention of leaving 5/11 alive,” Col. Steve Henricks, one of three prosecutors, said, referring to the day of the attack.

An American born of Palestinian immigrants, Hasan has told a court here that he was the gunman in the Nov. 5, 2009 rampage, and that he hoped to stop U.S. soldiers from killing Taliban insurgents, their leader Mullah Mohammad Omar and innocent Afghan women and children.

The day is often called “5/11” in the Fort Hood community.

Prosecutors have charged Hasan with 13 counts of premeditated murder. He faces another 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder in the worst shooting of its kind at an American military installation.

Until now, the prosecution has avoided stating a motive, but on Friday asked the judge, Col. Tara Osborn, to allow them to present witnesses and evidence that would show Hasan not only studied jihad but argued for it while pursing a master’s degree, and that he claimed U.S.-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not justified.
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Question:How is this still work place violence and not terrorism? Share your opinion below

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Filed under Current Events, Ft Hood, Government, Military, Military and Police, Radical Islam, Terrorism

URGENT ACTION ALERT — Urge North Carolina Gov. to Sign Anti-Sharia Bill HB 522

There have been more than 50 cases in 23 states in which judges have applied foreign law, depriving people of their constitutional rights. No Sharia Law In America!

There have been more than 50 cases in 23 states in which judges have applied foreign law, depriving people of their constitutional rights.
No Sharia Law In America!

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory is facing a tough decision – whether to veto a bill that prohibiting judges from considering foreign law, including Islamic Sharia law. Although there shouldn’t be a need for this law, sadly there is. There have been more than 50 cases in 23 states in which judges have applied foreign law, depriving people of their constitutional rights. Often women and children wind up the victims when Sharia law is applied. This is without a doubt unconstitutional, but that hasn’t stopped liberal judges.
Read More On: Sharia Law In American State Courts [PDF File]

North Carolina Muslims hope they can persuade the Republican governor to veto the bill, according to The State.com
Muslims oppose the effort because they think it is motivated by intolerance and say it could infringe on other religious groups. .
But others say measures banning the use of “foreign laws” are targeting Sharia law, not other religions – Nonsense!

On U.S. soil, we must all embrace the laws of this country via the Constitution, and not demand enforcement of rules and regulations left in other cultures. Many Sharia law problems in the United States involve cases of women being beaten by their Muslim husbands and judges ruling that because the men were not accustomed to U.S. laws against spousal abuse, they cannot be convicted.

CAIR sent out a national “action alert” urging Muslims to call and email McCrory to ask him to veto the bill. Defending Sharia law from U.S. restrictions is one of CAIR’s top agenda items, according to its March 2012 statement announcing a “community toolkit to challenge ‘Anti-Sharia’ bills.”


If McCrory signs the bill, North Carolina would become the seventh state to have an anti-Sharia law, according to TheState.com, joining Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Alabama lawmakers approved a similar constitutional amendment, which will be on the ballot for voters to consider in 2014.


As Americans, especially Americans living in North Carolina, we MUST take action now. House Bill 522, titled Foreign Laws/Protect Constitutional Rights,  has been ratified and sent to Governor McCrory for signature as of July 26, 2013.
Please take a moment to email Governor Pat McCrory through
this email form on the Governor’s web page  asking him to sign HB 522  The Anti-Sharia Bill.

We MUST let him know that as Americans we say,“NO FOREIGN LAWS IN AMERICA!”
Please be respectful when contacting the Governor, but make sure he knows you support HB522.

You can also contact Governor Pat McCrory’s office by:
PHONE: (919) 814-2000

or FAX: (919) 733-2120

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Filed under Current Events, Government, Politics, SHARIA

Banned Cleric’s Outspoken Deputy Visits White House

In case you haven’t heard, The Investigative Project on Terrorism just blew the whistle on the Obama administration’s latest interactions with Muslim jihadist.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah bragged on his Web site that he had met with Team Obama on June 13. IPT reported that bin Bayyah was invited by National Security Council official Gayle Smith “to learn from you and we need to be looking for new mechanisms to communicate with you and the Association of Muslim Scholars.”

Bin Bayyah’s June 13 account placed other senior officials in the meeting, including:Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), National Security Adviser Tom Donilon and White House spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri. But the account was later changed to delete the reference to Donilon’s presence at the meeting.

Smith also thanked Bin Bayyah for “his efforts to bring more understanding among humanity”

So who is  Bin Bayyah and why should you care? 

Bin Bayyah is vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), a group founded by and headed by Yusuf Qaradawi who is considered so radical, he’s banned from entering our country. Qaradawi, considered the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, exhorts followers to kill every last Jew; sanctioned suicide bombings and the killing of our soldiers; expressed support for executing apostates and stoning gays; and declared that the “US is an enemy of Islam.” – Bayyah is his top lieutenant and supporter.

What does this administration hope to accomplish by consorting with radicals? It’s anyone’s guess, but it’s painfully obvious they’ve learned nothing from the recent past.

Just thought you’d like to know.

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Filed under Current Events, Government, Radical Islam, Terrorism

California mass shooter who killed 6 was…Muslim

Remember, it’s the religion of peace…

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Filed under Current Events, Law Enforcement, Radical Islam, Terrorism

MA. State Police Appeal Clerk Magistrate’s Decision Not To Issue Criminal Complaints Against Reservoir Trespassers


Republican – Massachusetts State police are appealing a decision by a clerk magistrate not to issue criminal complaints against the group of seven people  found trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir after hours last month.

The seven people, recent college graduates originally from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Singapore, were found just after midnight on May 14. All said they studied chemical engineering and were at the Quabbin because it was in line with their education and career interests, state police said.

The group of five men and two women were not arrested, but were detained, interviewed and released.

They were summonsed to district court in Belchertown for a show-cause hearing for trespassing, where the clerk issued a continuance without a finding and declined to issue criminal complaints, according to David Procopio, Massachusetts State Police spokesman.

Because the trespassing happened at a “critical infrastructure key resource site,” Procopio said state police appealed the clerk’s decision, asking for judicial review.

“As far as I know, it is still awaiting judicial review,” Procopio wrote in an email.

“In our view, the clerk’s decision was contrary to our past understanding with the court, specifically, that the continuance without criminal complaints (which is how minor motor vehicle matters are generally handled) is not the resolution in cases involving violations of the Quabbin watershed rules. This has been the practice in recent years,” Procopio said.

Because the alleged trespassers are not facing any criminal charges at this time, Procopio said their names will not be released. The log from May 14 at the state police barracks at the Quabbin only shows a log entry of “trespass” at 00:30 hours with an area blacked out. State police attached to the barracks said the identifying information for the trespassers was removed from the public log by the state police media relations unit.

Further Reading:  As recently as June 6th, several locks were cut at a Massachusetts aqueduct in  Framingham, MA.

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Filed under Current Events, Law Enforcement, Radical Islam, Terrorism

Locks Cut At Massachusetts Aquaduct – Connecting the Dots

Hultman Aqueduct - One of the two lines that carry drinking water to the Greater Boston area

Hultman Aqueduct – One of the two lines that carry drinking water to the Greater Boston area

Massachusetts Water Resources Authority says someone cut the locks to three hatches at one of its aqueducts in Framingham. The incident occurred at the Hultman Aqueduct, which is one of the two lines that carry drinking water to the Greater Boston area. The three padlocks were cut from separate access hatches located at approximately half-mile intervals along the aqueduct. Police say there is evidence of an attempt to cut a fourth lock.State Police are investigating, though they say “there is no evidence of any crime other than vandalism.”

Last month, State Police stepped up patrols at public water supplies after five men and two women from Pakistan, Singapore and Saudi Arabia were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir in Belchertown. All seven were allowed to leave and will be summoned to court for trespassing.  They claimed they were chemical engineers and recent college graduates interested in water supply.
The seven individuals currently live in Amherst, Cambridge, Sunderland, Northampton and New York City. Did I happen to mention that the seven were caught out there in the middle of the night, in an area clearly marked as “No Trespassing”?

One week prior to the Quabbin Reservoir incident, FBI arrested a Muslim man in New York in connection with a recent terror plot. He was planning to kill as many as 100,000 people by contaminating the air or water supply in a major U.S. city. In that case, Ahmed Abassi, 26, was studying chemical engineering at Laval University in Quebec City, reported by Canada’s CBC News. Abassi’s plan did not materialize beyond discussions, but he also has been linked to Chiheb Esseghaier, one of two Canadian residents arrested in the plot to derail a Via passenger train.

So tell me, am I connecting dots that aren’t there and being ridiculously suspicious? What do you think is going on? Let me know…


Filed under Current Events, Terrorism

DOJ: Social Media Posts Trashing Muslims May Violate Civil Rights

My free speech is not negotiable.

My free speech is not negotiable.

In its latest effort to protect followers of Islam in the U.S. the Obama Justice Department warns against using social media to spread information considered inflammatory against Muslims, threatening that it could constitute a violation of civil rights.

via DOJ: Social Media Posts Trashing Muslims May Violate Civil Rights | Judicial Watch.

Are you scared yet? You should be. This isn’t islamophobia or fear mongering, this is a blatant infringement of  The Bill of Rights – YOUR First Amendment right to free speech and free press. We can not allow this to happen…ever.

First Amendment freedoms are most in danger when the government seeks to control thought or to justify its laws for that impermissible end. The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.
When the public’s right to know is threatened, and when the rights of free speech and free press are at risk, all our other liberties are endangered.

We’re sliding down that slippery slope and fast.
As Americans, this shouldn’t even be open for debate.

We already have laws in place for extending protections-
As originally intended, freedom of speech never meant a perversion of polite society. You can’t disturb a religious service with impunity, for example, and of course deliberately creating a panic by falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater is not a freedom of speech issue, but an incitement to riot. Free speech is meant to protect unpopular speech.

It’s already happened in the UK. – A 22-year-old man has been charged on suspicion of making malicious comments on Facebook following the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby. Benjamin Flatters, from Lincoln, was arrested last night after complaints were made to Lincolnshire Police about comments made on Facebook, which were allegedly of a racist or anti-religious nature. He was charged with an offense of malicious communications this afternoon in relation to the comments, a Lincolnshire Police spokesman said.

Two other men from the UK were released on bail by British authorities after anti-Islam/Muslim/Terrorist comments on Twitter. British Police had nothing to say to Muslims if they attempted any copycat terrorist attacks, but warned other people to be careful about what they write on twitter. Police say ‘consequences could be serious.’

Posting your opinion on Facebook, a Tweet or even a blog post and you can face criminal charges. Is that what you want here? It’s not such a big imaginary leap to being dragged out of your home in the middle of the night for being critical of our government.

An Iraqi citizen having his tongue cut out for verbal dissent.

An Iraqi citizen having his tongue cut out for verbal dissent.

UPDATE Saturday June 1st: Meeting on How the Feds Might Prosecute Those Who Post “Inflammatory Documents” About Muslims


Filed under Civil Rights, Current Events, DOJ, Government, Radical Islam, Terrorism, UK Terrorism